Me in my element: covered in dogs, on location painting a mural on shipping container / goat barn in Brookings, Oregon. Photo by my son, Nicky.
I love painting murals.
I love creating large scale paintings of my artwork. I like using flat color tones to create depth and enjoy using foliage, figures and patterns for visual complexity. I schedule most murals for the summer, but I have some time and capacity for smaller or indoor designs in the wintertime.
Are you interested in having me paint a mural?
The rough guideline I use for all mural estimates is $30/ square foot, so an 8 foot (roughly floor to ceiling in most houses) by 8 foot square would be $1,920. The cost goes up rapidly, so it’s a good idea to check the square footage of the space you are wanting to cover before you contact me. Murals over 200 square feet can begin to go down in price per square foot, depending on the complexity of the design.
That price includes sketches, one round of edits on the sketches, and materials. The client is responsible for wall prep and equipment rentals if we need scaffolding, a scissor lift or a cherry picker.
If the mural feels like a good fit for both of us, we can negotiate a budget. I usually ask for half up front for designs, and the second half upon completion, but I work with payment plans. This is an investment in your space that’s designed to last for years.
Next steps: email me and we can set up a complimentary video chat or site visit.
Here’s a lovely blog post from Michele Bennett about our design process on her beautiful bathroom mural (pictured below).
Mike & Michele Bennett’s Beautiful Bathroom (2021).